Oh God, I really need a friend - m4w - 45 - Mesa AZ

  • Published date: February 28, 2025
  • Modified date: March 8, 2021
    • Mesa, Arizona, United States

I get to cruise the east valley all week for work and occasionally I get some extra time. Today I finished work about noon again. I wish I knew someone that I could swing by and visit.

It would be nice to have a warm and friendly somebody to meet with for a bit of adventure and relief. Maybe a stay at home mom who needs some attention before the family gets home? Or perhaps, someone stuck working at home and needing to work off some stress. Most of my availability is between noon and 3, but I can get inventive.

I’m dreaming of a friendly neighborhood cocksucker I can randomly text or call weekly to be invited over for some toe curling fun.

I’m tall and strong. 6Ft 4, 280lbs. Long hair,full beard, and big strong hands. I’m to much a hippie type to hurt women, but I would like to experiment with someone submissive who likes it a little tough, maybe some bondage.

So… if your interested in talking more, or exchanging info./pics. Drop me a note, we can at least daydream some while working out details. So tell... just what can I do to you?

Age male: 45

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